The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (2024)

We've researched more than 100 online (and offline) publications to find the 10 most insightful and informative conservative perspectives out there. While a few of these sites are familiar to conservatives, others boast some of the freshest minds in the conservative movement. All of them are well worth a look.


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National Review Online

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (1)

National Review and NRO are widely read and influential publications for Republican/conservative news, commentary, and opinion.

Both the magazine and the website are the important resources for Republicans and conservatives who shape opinion on the important issuesand reach affluent, educated, and highly responsive audiences.

The magazine and website serve as excellent directories of information for conservatives who want to get involved in the movement, whether they're corporate and government leaders, the financial elite, educators, journalists, community and association leaders, or engaged activists.


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The American Spectator

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (2)

The American Spectator was founded in 1924. The magazine boasts that it is published "remarkably without regard to sex, lifestyle, race, color, creed, physical handicap, or national origin."

The online edition covers everything from politics to sports, all with a decidedly conscious bend toward traditional conservatism. Its pages are refreshing, and it features a blog with intriguing insight on the latest issues.

The American Conservative

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (3)

The American Conservative is the magazine for the disenfranchised conservative—the one who is uncomfortable with the rash of false conservatives who have come to dominate the movement.

In the words of the editors,

"We believe conservatism to be the most natural political tendency, rooted in man’s taste for the familiar, for family, for faith in God ... So much of what passes for contemporary conservatism is wedded to a kind of radicalism—fantasies of global hegemony, the hubristic notion of America as a universal nation for all the world’s peoples, a hyperglobal economy."

The American Conservative offers a refreshing change from the usual ranting that has come to characterize so much of today's political discourse.


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The New American

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (4)

The New American is a publication of the John Birch Society. Like its parent company, The New American is guided by its strong support of the Constitution.

In the words of its editors,

"Specifically, we want to restore and retain the values and vision that made America great—limited government under the Constitution, the freedoms our Constitution guarantees and the personal responsibility a free people must exercise to stay free. In the area of foreign policy, our editorial point of view is based on avoiding foreign entanglements and going to war only when necessary to defend our country and citizens."

Put simply, The New American offers excellent content for those looking for a decidedly paleoconservative perspective.


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FrontPage Magazine

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (5)

FrontPage Magazine is the online journal of news and political commentary for the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.

The online publication has 1.5 million visitors and 620,000 unique visitors a month translating into a total of 65 million hits.

In the words of its editors,

"The center’s purpose—and by extension—the magazines’ is to establish a conservative presence in Hollywood and show how popular culture had become a political battleground."

For those looking for an alternative to Hollywood's liberalism, FrontPage Magazine offers excellent content.


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Newsmax magazine is a monthly publication of the conservative website with more in-depth takes on issues than are seen on the website. The magazine also features conservative columnists such as George Will, Michael Reagan, Ben Stein, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, David Limbaugh, and editor Christopher Ruddy.


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The Christian Science Monitor

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (6)

Founded in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, The Christian Science Monitor is an international daily newspaper published Monday through Friday.

Despite its name, it is not a religious magazine. Everything in the Monitor is international and U.S. news and features, except for one religious article that has appeared each day in "The Home Forum" section since 1908, at the request of the paper's founder.

The Monitor is a "uniquely independent voice in journalism," in that it offers readers a public-service-oriented perspective on national and world events. It's a great place to start when you're looking to research any issue of public or political importance.


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Cybercast News Service

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (7)

The Cybercast News Service was launched in 1998 by the Media Research Center.

In the words of its editors, the Service is

"a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission."

This site is a great place to start if you're looking for nuggets of truth about topics you suspect are being spun by the mainstream media.


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Human Events

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (8)

Human Events was President Ronald Reagan's "favorite newspaper" for a reason.

Its editorial content is guided by the core conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government and, according to its editors "a staunch, unwavering defense of American freedom" above all.

Its editors go on to say,

"For over sixty years, Human Events has made it a policy to deliver to intelligent, independent-thinking news readers something entirely different—something you cannot get from conventional news sources."

This is a great resource for political conservatives thirsty for the latest information.


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Washington Times Weekly

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (9)

Washington Times Weekly is a weekly edition of the popular newspaper that combines a number of features from throughout the week, including top columns and stories.

The Top 10 Most Informative Conservative Magazines (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.